The Gafur Gulyam Home-museum is located in the two-storey private residence where the national poet of Uzbekistan and an academican lived and worked in 1944-1966.It contain a literary exposition and a memorial complex.

The items of three halls tell about life and main stakes of a creative path of the poet, who was born in Tashkent on May 10,1903; he has lived in this city all his life and has got national love.

The exhibits in the first and second halls of the museum are devoted to childhood and youth of the poet, moulding his creative personality and great popularity which the poems by Gafur Gulyam's have received during World War II - the poem "Thee - not the orphan", "I am Jew", the story "A Bundle of Mischief" are translated into many languages of the world.

The special stands tell about the poet's activity as a translator and academician. The third hall reflects the expression of respect and national love to Gafur Gulyam - the station of Tashkent underground, a street, large literary publishing house, the local lore museum in Kokand which was allotted a house thanks to efforts of the poet, were called after Gafur Gulyam. There are also stuffs of 90th and 95th anniversaries of the poet, which were widely celebrated in independent Uzbekistan.

The second floor of the museum is memorial. Subjects of household activities which "remember" the poet are kept in the study, drawing room and social room - books with Gafur Gulyam's autographes and writings given him as presents by his colleagues - writers.

The Gafur Gulyam Home-museum was created in 1983. An exposition was renovated, the new testimonies of the demand of the poet's creative work and preservation of memory about him being added twice - in 1988 and 1998. The poet's daughter Olmos Gafurovna is the director of the museum.

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